
Friday 7 January 2022

Getting Happier In the Teeth of Stress (5 DIY Steps)

If we're going to live, we should enjoy doing it. (Crazy, right?)
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How to Not Worry and Be Happy
OK, the world is burning down with Omicron.

The first thing to do is make sure you don't burn down with it. Read THIS ARTICLE for concise directions on how you and your family can avoid getting sick.

With that done, we must continue to live our lives. My view is that if we're going to live, we should enjoy doing it. (Crazy, right?)

The problem is that if you are depressed and sad or anxious and fearful, you won't enjoy much of anything.

The statistics on how many people have been overwhelmed, depressed, and anxious since 2020 are astronomical. If you're in this group, I have some ideas to help:
The Agreed-On Reasons for Anxiety & Depression:
I've found that people often think that stress causes anxiety and depression in their lives. It's not surprising that people would have more mental stress with the pandemic (and everything else we're dealing with), resulting in more anxiety and depression.

Once the anxiety and depression get to a point where there is a significant impact on your life, it's common for you to start thinking that there may be something wrong with your brain, such as a chemical imbalance.
There is some truth to the idea that stress can create anxiety and depression and that there may be physiological problems contributing to it becoming worse.

But there may be more to this!
The Actual Reasons for Anxiety & Depression:
A high percentage of people have physiological problems or weaknesses with their bodies that they may not be aware of. These can be digestive, or hormone issues with mild or common symptoms you may well believe are "normal." Further, many of these problems will not be diagnosed as a disease by your doctor, so you may think you're "perfectly healthy."

However, when combined with mental stress, these physical weaknesses can overwhelm your body and trigger anxiety and depression.

Your mental problems may be caused by the stress in your life added to these physical health problems. The two together may overwhelm your body and cause anxiety and depression.
You Can Test It Out!
Try the actions below, designed to reduce the physical stress on your body. In short order (a couple of weeks, if not sooner), you will most likely see a definite improvement in your mood.
Help With Covid
  • Immune-Boosting Supplements
  • Immune-Boosting Dietary Guidelines
  • Recommended Covid Lifestyle Guide
Are you Stressed, Anxious, Nervous or Fatigued?
I may be able to help you
Patient Story:
I used to be a fairly cranky, crabby person with little patience for inconveniences and interruptions. I tried to be patient or explain my frustrations but still felt self-conscious and helpless about being irritable and unpleasant. At work, I always found it extremely annoying and agitating to have my concentration broken by an interruption. My friends accepted me as a high-strung person who didn't handle stress & pressure well. After being on my treatment program with Alternative Health Atlanta, I noticed that I was calmer and not agitated by interruptions. Now I can be pleasant most of the time and am not strung out by pressures. Now I notice people who are edgy, crabby, and particular about the way things proceed and think; I used to be like that. — A.W.
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Don't give up! You can recover your health if you persist.
Free Book: Learn How to Take Control of Your Health
If you are frustrated, stuck, or feel like giving up on finding a solution to your health problem, this book could really open your eyes. There's a reason so many people are having long-term health problems, and the only treatments available just cover up the symptoms.
Find out why, and what to do about it.
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• Practicing in Marietta since 1994
• Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, natural healthcare researcher and developer of the EvecticsSM Health Therapy System
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IMPORTANT NOTE: This publication is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for any disease or symptom. Readers should not attempt self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any kind, and should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician. Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C. disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and application of the contents of this publication. If you are unwilling to be bound by this disclaimer, you should discard this publication.
EVECTICS is a Service Mark of Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C.
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