
Friday 24 May 2019

Upcoming Presentations At Fyrecon 3

I am receiving more opportunities to be a presenter at conferences and conventions. Thank you to everyone reading my articles. It is because of the support I'm receiving from you that I am able to share more about the geeky things I like to do, and thus making a bigger community of friends sharing in these same interests.

I will be presenting 4 topics at Fyrecon on June 20–22, 2019 at Weber State University at their Layton, Utah campus. Here's a link to the conference.

Fyrecon is a combination conference for writers, artists and game developers (both tabletop and electronic).

Here is a brief overview of the classes I'm presenting. 

Introduction to Board Game Design

We will be covering how to take an idea for a game and develop it into a game others will want to play. This is an introduction in theory and design before investing in prototypes.

Writing Rules for Board Games

How to write effective rules that don't need you at the table or on standby to explain how to play your game. I'm bringing my experience from years of reviewing games and covering what works and what hurts.

Introduction to Running RPG Adventures and Campaigns

Starting out as a game master (GM) in a role-playing game (RPG) can be stressful. We'll be covering how to take an adventure or campaign setting of your own design or someone else's and be able to present it to a group of players at a table.

Introduction to Writing RPG Adventures

Writing a gaming adventure has its own challenges. If you are writing for your own game, you still don't control the player characters. When you are developing an adventure you want to publish, you also don't control the game master.

I invite everyone to come to Fyrecon and participate in the fields you are interested in. I think you will find something suitable for your style of artistic expression. Please look me up, I'll be wearing a hat like I do at these events, and I will be happy to meet you so I can put faces with names.

If you have a comment, suggestion, or critique please leave a comment here or send an email to

You can also join Guild Master Gaming on Facebookand Twitter(@GuildMstrGmng).

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