
Saturday 11 June 2022

Anxiety: A No-Brainer?

It can be a horrible, twisting feeling of dread and fear in your stomach
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Anxiety: It's a No-Brainer

Chronic anxiety isn't always caused by a problem with your brain

Anxiety. It can be a horrible, twisting feeling of dread and fear in your stomach. You may be hot or cold, tensed, sweating. It can be debilitatingly severe or just under the surface and slightly coloring everything you do and think.

It's not anything that you want to experience, ever.

If you're living day-to-day (and possibly with sleep-deprived nights) with anxiety, you only want it to end. Remember how it feels when, for any reason, the anxiety lightens up a little? It's such a relief, only to start all over again.

Anxiety can prevent your happiness, but it can also wreck your productivity. It can make you much less effective in all of your endeavors: in your job, your marriage, and as a parent.

The stress from anxiety can create health problems. In particular, digestive problems often are caused or worsened by anxiety. Other symptoms can get worse, from blood pressure to skin conditions.
The Anxiety Myth
Anxiety is very hard to treat effectively.

People do many months or years of therapy trying to reduce their anxiety. They take drugs. They use breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga. But very few anxiety sufferers ever feel that their problem is "solved." At best, it's "under better control."

An important reason for this is that the cause of chronic (continuing) anxiety has been misidentified. If you treat the wrong cause, it's a sure bet that you won't solve the problem.

Your brain doesn't always cause chronic anxiety. This is the myth.

Sure, the brain can signal your body to have anxious feelings. This is a survival reaction, like a healthy fear reaction from getting too close to the cliff edge.

A good shot of anxiety for a few minutes or hours can be completely normal.
Anxiety becomes a problem when it won't stop. When it continues and worsens and interrupts your life, this is often caused by a physical problem with your body.

Chronic anxiety can be caused by digestive problems, hormone problems, and even blood sugar issues.

An End to Your Anxiety

Correctly testing for and identifying the problems causing anxiety may lead to a real solution and an end to the problem.

I understand anxiety so well because I've worked with it extensively. In the past 28 years, I have helped over 10,000 patients with chronic health conditions, and more than half of them have complained of anxiety as one of their problems.

Your Plan

If you would like to put an end to chronic anxiety, I have two plans for you to follow:
PLAN A: Take these four simple steps
Begin an individualized treatment program to help you with your anxiety, as well as other health problems you may have.
PLAN B: Fill out an online questionnaire
Submit your questionnaire and you'll receive a complimentary consultation to get more information and your individual health questions answered.
Do You Have Health Problems, And Don't Know What To Do?
Patient Story:

Liver Enzymes Are Normal!
Wow! After three years of high liver enzymes and after starting a treatment program –not only have my liver enzymes improved, all other blood components out of range were helped too. Hooray!! My internist was not able to positively impact this situation in 3 years and my treatment at Alternative Health Atlanta helped my body reverse everything! Thank you! —G.B.
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• Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, natural healthcare researcher and developer of the EvecticsSM Health Therapy System
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IMPORTANT NOTE: This publication is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for any disease or symptom. Readers should not attempt self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any kind, and should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician. Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C. disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and application of the contents of this publication. If you are unwilling to be bound by this disclaimer, you should discard this publication.
EVECTICS is a Service Mark of Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C.
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