
Monday 18 April 2022

You Called a Plumber... For Your Electrical Problem?

"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."
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Have You Called a Plumber… For Your Electrical Problem?

Here's a test for you:

1. Do you have any issues with your body that bother you enough to affect your life negatively?

2. Is this problem continuous, or does it recur?

If you answered "yes" to both questions, you have a chronic health condition.

60% of the US adult population have chronic health conditions with no known solution. If you have any chronic health conditions (high blood pressure, anxiety, heart disease, depression, arthritis, fatigue, menstrual / menopause problems, etc.), you are included.

Many people have chronic problems, even severe ones, but haven't realized this or are ignoring it. If you go to your doctor with a problem and are told that "all your tests are normal, nothing is wrong" or "there is no treatment for that symptom, you'll just have to live with it," you can't be faulted for giving up.
Two Kinds of Health Problems

This is one of the most essential and basic facts that anyone should know about health care.

There are two divisions of health conditions, and conventional medicine can only successfully treat one of them.

ONE: Health problems WITH known causes

This is what medicine knows how to treat, often with spectacular and amazing results.

As long as your doctor can find the source of your problem and has a treatment for it, you are likely to get great results. This includes trauma, infections, many infectious diseases, structural issues fixed with surgeries, and on and on.

TWO: Health problems WITHOUT known causes

Medical doctors call these problems "Chronic Illness."
These problems either have no medical treatment at all, or the treatment consists of managing the symptoms with long-term drugs (blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, depression, etc.).

No one knows the treatable cause of any chronic illness. If the cause were known, the problem would come under ONE above, have a treatment and cure, and no longer be classified as "chronic."

The Law of the Instrument (Your Doctor Only Has a Hammer)

Medicine has two tools: drugs and surgeries. If you go to your doctor, you should fully expect one of three possible outcomes:

1. Receive a prescription for a pharmaceutical

2. Get scheduled for a surgery

3. Be told, "Sorry, there's no solution at this time"

Abraham Maslow, a famous psychologist, is quoted as saying:

"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail."

This is referred to as the Law of the Instrument. Doctors think that chronic illness MUST be treatable with drugs because they only have drugs as a tool (the hammer).

However, many chronic illnesses can't be cured with drugs or surgeries, which of course, is why they are "chronic."

There are very successful solutions to many chronic problems, which are NOT drugs or surgeries. But see the Law of the Instrument above to understand why you may not have heard about these from your doctor.

When you go to a medical doctor for a chronic condition, you are calling a plumber for your electrical problem.

Many Chronic Health Problems Have Reliable Solutions

You may not have to live with your problem for the rest of your life.

Sadly, there is no super product or miraculous treatment that will fix you. Neither is there a special diet, exercise, meditation, or practice that is likely to work.

The solution is much simpler than any of these.

I have written a good explanation of how you can get well that will take you five minutes to read.
Patient Story:

Kid's Concentration Helped!
My son aged 13 had all sorts of problems going on with him. The grades were bad, he couldn't concentrate at home or school. There was always one complaint or another coming from school. He was good at making excuses, some were very interesting. After seeing the flyer at the clinic about helping kids with concentration problems, I thought we could give it a try. Not only did he get help for his eczema, but he certainly is a different boy. He's energetic, positive, and responsible and has better grades. —S.K.

Get Answers, Support and Caring:

I would love to help you in any way I can to improve your health.

Take my Free Online Health Quiz.

I'll get your questions answered, give you resources and help you.

Don't give up! You can recover your health if you persist.
Free Book: Learn How to Take Control of Your Health
If you are frustrated, stuck, or feel like giving up on finding a solution to your health problem, this book could really open your eyes. There's a reason so many people are having long-term health problems, and the only treatments available just cover up the symptoms.
Find out why, and what to do about it.
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• Practicing in Marietta since 1994
• Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, natural healthcare researcher and developer of the EvecticsSM Health Therapy System
Alternative Health Atlanta
1640 Powers Ferry Rd SE
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Marietta, GA 30067
IMPORTANT NOTE: This publication is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for any disease or symptom. Readers should not attempt self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any kind, and should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician. Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C. disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and application of the contents of this publication. If you are unwilling to be bound by this disclaimer, you should discard this publication.
EVECTICS is a Service Mark of Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C.
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